Historical Research

Research Papers | Source Texts | Writing Tips |Special Features

ArcaneKnowledge.org features scholarly essays in historical research and links to valuable collections of primary source texts, useful to amateur and professional historians alike. Additionally, tips and references on historical writing style and methodology are provided.

Essays on modern history, written in a less formal style, can be found in the Politics & Law section of this site.

Several of the essays below have been revised and compiled into the book From Medieval to Modern Man (available at Amazon.com), which includes a new introductory essay.

Research Papers

These are academically reviewed postgraduate research papers on medieval and early modern European history, with the most recent listed first.

Two undergraduate research papers of exceptional quality are also presented:

Source Texts and Other Historical Resources

Ancient (before AD 400)

Medieval (AD 400-1500)

Early Modern (1500-1800)

Modern (1800-present)

Various Periods

Special Feature

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